Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actor. She's presented Extra, E! As a reporter, she was for Today Access Hollywood. On the program, the 44-year-old presented an update on her health and shared that she's feeling well following her private fighting an early stage pancreatic cancer this year. Menounos stated that she's getting better. She's feeling amazing. And I appreciate being healthy. Litsa (Maria's) mother, who was diagnosed GBM at age 61, which is a uncommon and deadly brain cancer. Menounos took care of Maria's mom, who had undergone chemotherapy and radiation. Mariah Carey has been an American actress, singer, producer and record label owner since the 1980s. Guinness World Records referred to Mariah Carey as Songbird Supreme. Her songwriting style is very melismatic, and she uses the whistle register to create her trademark style.

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